The first 500k

StartupTabs has crossed a milestone.

Page views are a much needed staple in the vast desert of startups. Earning visitors who take a chance to understand your company's mission is an opportunity never missed. We are excited to share that StartupTabs has given over 500 thousand page views to some of the best upcoming startups in the world. Thousands of visitors have taken the step to discover a new startup and it has truly made an impact. This opportunity has fueld our drive to build the best Startup discovery platform and we are steaming ahead.

We are excited for this growth and thank you for joining us in the movement to showcase the world's best startups.

A shoutout to @thinker from for the Producthunt catalyst and making it possible to get on the 1st page of Hackernews. Here are our GA stats from being posted on Producthunt to Hackernews, to now.